Ride the World

Last year I found this website (www.advrider.com), that has TRUCKLOADS of useful information and amazing stories about dudes who, like me, love to ride motorcycles on long trips. I was so glad to see that countless guys (and gals) from each corner of this globe are into this kind of self-serving (yep, I concede, motorcycling is a bit of a egotistic affair). For those who enjoy it, bike trips are the best way to think about life's comings and goings (no pun intended), and to enjoy the machines we love at their full potential and preferential environment. I definetely recommend the site ADV. Go check it out! Ano passado achei este site na internet (www.advrider.com), que traz um MONTE de informações úteis e estórias sobre caras que, como eu, adoram fazer longas viagens de moto. Adorei descobrir que incontáveis pessoas de todos os cantos do mundo gostam deste tipo de auto-ajuda (ok, reconheço que andar de moto é um lance um pouco egoístico). Para quem gosta, viagens de moto são um óti...