Note: The following is a shortened version of the graduate report prepared for the Minimum Cost Housing Group (MCHG) of McGill University, Montreal. This report was written by myself, along with Cesar Gonzales, Tong Gan, Yue Li, Annalyn Maribbay and Alejandro Lopez. Proposals for Physical Aspects Community Level Community Self-Help Centre: The proposed Community Centre would be located on the current plot along street 21 and street 7. This vacant plot has large trees, which shall remain, and also an existing open shed. This is where the school was formerly located. The area being accessible from the main entrance to the community by primary streets makes it an ideal place for important social gatherings. Several community activities would be encouraged to be held there: Education and Training: A self-help centre was located within this area, catering for the residents' needs and helping define the upgrading process. This is where educatio...
O "Cettro Petit" é o novo "filhote" da clínica Cettro (que projetei em parceria com a Arq. Carla Orsi em 2001 e renovei recentemente). Este pequeno projeto foi concluído no final de 2009 e inaugurado no dia 26 de Março de 2010. Neste projeto, utilizei alguns conceitos de humanização do espaço físico, com adoção de materiais apropriados, iluminação natural e artificial abundante mas balanceada, cores harmoniosas, distrações positivas, etc. O piso escolhido foi a manta vinílica (Absolute Acoustic da Tarkett-Fademac). Nas divisórias utilizamos persianas entre-vidros. A iluminação é projeto da Lampen. No Cettro Petit a criança tem seu próprio cantinho, aonde pode se distrair enquanto espera a consulta ou o tratamento. Fizemos aplicação de painéis fotográficos em alguns locais (o tema do Pequeno Príncipe foi sugestão da agência Athena, responsável pela identidade visual do Cettro). Clique aqui e faça uma visita virtual.
Brasilia: living within modernist standards by: Marcio N. de Oliveira (originally written in 98 for Maquis, my old Geocities homepage) Introduction: Latin American countries have always pursued a sense of urban utopia. Nowhere else have modernistic urban theories, above all Le Corbusier's, controlled the minds of practicing architects and urban designers as much as in Latin America and specially Brazil. Brasilia was designed according to them and quite clearly exemplifies the shortcoming of such urban theories. Erected in record setting time of three years (1957-60), the city was planned in relation to Brazil's need to conquer physically, culturally and economically its own continent sized countryside. With this short essay I intend to show one view, the one of a natural Brasiliense , born and raised in Brasilia, living the daily life within modernist standards. Superquadras and Apartment Blocks: In Brasilia's urban landscape the central city was made up of two dense res...
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